9 Reasons For Honor Is Ubisoft's Most Polarising Game In Years

There's no room for middle ground.

By Scott Tailford /


Whether you played the open beta or have picked up a full copy of the game, chances are you'll have come away from For Honor with a very strong opinion. Because despite having some triple-A polished graphics and a high profile publisher's branding all over it, For Honor's gameplay is as niche as it gets.


Its difficulty curve will see you destroyed in seconds if you're not careful, as Ubi have clearly seen the potential in designing a 'Souls-like' action game, and although For Honor's gameplay is more routed in multiplayer skirmishes and one-on-one duels than that of FromSoftware's exploration-heavy narrative, the notion of watching your stamina, picking specific attacks and scrutinising enemy movements is still the order of the day.

With that in mind, reactions from gameplay have resulted in outright "F**k this!" to sticking with it and exploring the 'rock, paper, scissors' approach to combat, resulting in the most unexpected of things from Ubisoft: An original premise.


Does it work? Well...