9 Upcoming Video Games Destined To Be The Sleeper Hits Of 2016

Away from hype and lofty expectation is the ability to truly impress.

By Josh Brown /

The best games of the year are rarely the ones you're already expecting to be good. Sure, while the likes of Uncharted 4 and Final Fantasy XV will (probably) end up on your top five lists come December, the titles that really leave a mark tend to be those nobody saw coming, making themselves known after waves of fan or critical admiration comes flooding in after release.


It happens every year. Nobody thought Shadow of Mordor would be any good before Warner Bros. once again proved its commitment to publishing awesome movie-licensed games, and barely anyone had even touched a Witcher game before the third one, which continues to be thought of as the best game of 2015. 

Simply without the massive amount of hype and expectation that comes with every tentpole blockbuster, these other titles have the luxury of hitting you with an unexpected - yet thoroughly welcome - surprise attack.

And there are plenty of releases still looming on the horizon for 2016 that have the potential to enjoy the same successful trajectory. Whether they're brand new entries in an under-appreciated series or a new property that's been flying under the radar, there's a good chance that your favourite game of 2016 might just be one of these inevitable sleeper hits...

9. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst​

Considering the dedicated following that the original Mirror's Edge has amassed today, you have to remember: nobody cared about the franchise when it released in 2008. And even now, almost eight years later, the average buyer has absolutely zero hype for the upcoming sequel to that criminally-overlooked original.


Hell, it's safe to say that even the fans who are excited for EA's return to the franchise are cautiously optimistic at best. The first Mirror's Edge, while inspired, wasn't exactly a perfect 10/10, and this sequel has plenty of groundwork to cover and weak spots to patch up if it wants to thrive and innovate in a 2016 market.

That said, if there was ever a time for Mirror's Edge to become a smash hit, it's now. As long as EA's learned its lesson and given the developers at DICE the time and freedom needed to create a tense parkour game that completely cuts ties with its first-person shooter roots, then Mirror's Edge: Catalyst could be the first breakout game of 2016.
