Apex Legends: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

"You can't wall run"? Try again.

By Scott Tailford /


Leaking after an influencer event at developer Respawn's HQ, the out-of-nowhere followup to Titanfall 2 is actually... a free-to-play battle royale. Because of course it is.


Thankfully, unlike the mechanically shallow Fortnite and polish-needing H1Z1, Apex Legends is a remarkably strong game from top to bottom. Showing Respawn's pedigree as a team of creatives who clearly play games regularly themselves, we've got shakeups to the battle royale formula like respawns and finishers, right next to Titanfall-aping gunplay and knee slides keeping locomotion fresh.

Across a series of launch day interviews, Respawn have pointed out that "combat legibility" is key. That means no double jumps or horizontal wall running throwing players off, as instead they want to maintain a solid amount of intensity and tactility across every match.


The result is something that's incredibly easy to leap into (hence why the genre is the biggest thing in gaming right now), but there's a learning curve to Apex Legends that you'll only surmount after a good handful of matches - and some helpful pointers on what to do.