Assassin’s Creed: 5 Must-Plays & 5 That Suck

Take a Leap of Faith with us, join the brotherhood.

By Marv Rake /

The Assassin's Creed series has gifted fans with glorious reconstructions of lost cities and landscapes to get themselves swept up in.


Offering a slew of engaging narratives carved around vital moments in history, our adventures began with Altair - our first protagonist in a more linear tale - all the way to present day, and the more expansive open worlds of recent titles in Origins and Odyssey.

Innovative movement and engaging storytelling, Assassin's Creed also set the standard for parkour-led gaming.

And such a carefully crafted game deserves a deep dive into what makes an essential piece of any Assassin's Creed storytelling. This also serves as a handy guide as to which of these titles should make it onto your pile of games to get to - we've all got that pile after all - and it only grows and grows.

But not every game can make it. For example, an honourable mention to Assassin's Creed Revelations - a game that, while bolstered by solid mechanics and a sound story, offered many of the same aspects we see in Brotherhood.

Now, take a "leap of faith" and join us on a journey as we let you know what titles you MUST tackle on your play through of the Assassin's Creed games.

10. Sucks: Rogue

We start with some controversy, and who doesn't enjoy a little controversy, right?


Assassin's Creed Rogue was the second release from Ubisoft within 2014. While it arguably was a stellar performance, it was also found wanting in a multitude of key areas.

With enjoyable game play and graphics that were equally tasteful, it was its story that left a lot to be desired. A slog throughout, the switch in focus to having the player hunt down other assassins as opposed to the familiar goal of eliminating Templars was testing.

Some nice additions appeared, such as the rifle - and there were some minor tweaks to the parkour to offer a few fun extras, but not much else leaves us clamouring to return any time soon.

Attempts at innovation in gaming tend to be greeted with a mixed opinions, but this wasn't a change that was met well with fans. Essentially an elaborate expansion pack for Black Flag, it's fair to say that this classes more of a "you won't miss much if you don't play this title" entry to the series.

A pleasant outing in parts, Rogue was a glorified extra that wasn't required by the fandom that year, and one that could have warranted a stronger effort expanding its world before release.
