Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

To become the greatest Viking of all time you'll need some insider knowledge.

By Chad Olivier /

2020 has been a crazy year, filled to the brim with releases that have the potential to be great. But after Baldur’s Gate III became a bit of a buggy mess and CD Projekt Red broke our hearts for the millionth time, it’s safe to say we're in need of a little break.


Who knew this would finally come in the form of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

Being the 12th instalment in the assassination franchise, Ubisoft had quite a job to ensure that Valhalla did not come off as something stagnant, especially since many have critiqued the franchise for rehashing old ideas. And although the venture into RPG territory has done the series well, fans were a bit annoyed at the developers change in focus from stealth to combat.

That being said, you’ll be happy to hear that Valhalla strikes a golden balance by allowing the player to choose between the smashing of skulls as a notorious Viking to the unseen takedowns of a master assassin. But since Eivor doesn’t like to hold hands, there’s a definite possibility that you’re missing out on your full potential.

So whether you find yourself rag-dolling more often than not, or just want to improve your gameplay, read on, as we’re about to explore 14 tips and tricks that even Altair would find useful.

14. Combat Confusion During Raids

Assassin's Creed Valhalla introduces us to the quintessential Viking art of raiding, which is both fun and necessary for the improvement of your little home away from home. And while the cries of anguish surrounding you may be exciting and result in a rush of adrenaline, these large-scale battles can be quite confusing to say the least.


This is especially relevant when you first start playing, as Vikings have a tendency of looking quite similar to one another. To make things easier for yourself don't forget to send out a few pulses using your Odin's Sight, as this will paint the enemies red and serve you well in choosing who to attack and defend against.

You may also be confused by your health depleting for no apparent reason, which is usually the resultant of all the arrows sticking out from your back. To prevent this situation run past the initial defense of the enemy and rid them of their archers. Keeping them around is a sure way to end up in the nearest ditch.
