Assassin's Creed: Victory - 10 Key Features That Need An Overhaul

With Victory coming later this year, Ubisoft either fix these or take a break.

By Scott Tailford /

Four patches later and Assassin's Creed: Unity still isn't the experience it was advertised as, or should be. Regardless of if you love the world, characters and general core gameplay enough to not let things like frame-rate and graphical hitches put you off, even the most hardcore fans and staunchest defenders would struggle to say it was anything approaching a recommendable title. The series itself has come one hell of a long way since 2007, arriving at a time when everyone was looking for a killer franchise to best exude the new powers of their fancy consoles. Following a bit of a rocky start that critics chastised for having too much repetition, there was enough of a solid foundation for Ubisoft to realise they could begin to roll out an annual model, a new sequel then releasing every year. Black Flag managed to succeed in a slew of areas that you could argue have no real place in an Assassin's Creed title - based off where the franchise came from - and after that tweaked the fan-reception needle back into the positive, Unity arrived and wrenched it back the other way again. With the Victorian England setting of Victory coming again later this year, many are finally saying enough is enough. There's been too much of the same game trotted out year after year, and although that works for sports games that rely on stringent formulas with barely any iteration, Victory needs far more than a slight tweak to something like its traversal system to make it an enticing prospect.