Batman: Arkham Knight - 8 Big Worries From The "Officer Down" Trailer

Looks like we might have another Dark Knight Rises on our hands...

By Scott Tailford /

Now, before we get stuck into this, it's worth noting some positives about the latest trailer that showed a sizeable continuous chunk of gameplay. First up the graphics are absolutely phenomenal, like really - every raindrop looked perfectly rendered and Batman himself has a character model that appears to be walking a solid line between Tony Stark-esque high-tech gadgetry and gritty militaristic functionality in-game. The city of Gotham looks impeccable too, with every neon-soaked alleyway and backstreet being suitably gorgeous - in a dilapidated, hellhole-on-earth sort of way anyway - but it easily makes for some city streets you can't wait to glide through and clean up. However, and here comes the rub - aside from the Batmobile's introductory sequence (brought on by a hilarious button prompt to 'Even the odds'), the rest of what's here doesn't look like it's going to be doing anything particularly revolutionary. In fact, when you scratch beneath that stunning exterior, what's left underneath leaves quite a lot to be desired. Considering the game has once again been delayed and there are still a litany of issues present even within this newest footage, it sadly points to the final version not being the all-singing, all Batarang-throwing excursion of fun people need it to be. First though, check out the trailer below and see what you think:
