This past week, a demo for Beyond: 2 Souls was released, the latest game from the renowned French studio Quantic Dream, makers of the underdog sleeper hit Heavy Rain. If youre unfamiliar with Quantic Dream, you should know first and foremost that there is nothing else out there like their approach to game design. Director David Cage is an opinionated man, some even prefer the term pretentious, but regardless of your viewpoint, he brings something highly ambitious to the table; Interactive Drama. Similar to his previous games Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy, Beyond is the furthest thing from a conventional video game you can possibly play, to the point where people bicker left and right as to whether the studio is even creating games. Instead of shooting the same generic enemies or partaking in some other conventional method of gameplay, Quantic Dream primarily has you interacting with context sensitive button presses and dialogue mechanics, both of which bend the story in different directions from player to player. Some find this approach to video games mind blowing and unhealthily engaging (I was already tense playing the freaking demo), while others would just rather go watch a movie. I personally think those people are missing the point, but this article isnt about them; it's 10 things we learned from the demo...