Cyberpunk 2077 Has A Hype Problem

All aboard the hype train, destination: Night City.

By Richard Flint /

CD Projekt RED

CD Projekt Red’s latest RPG, Cyberpunk 2077, is now just over a month away with many fans frothing at the mouth to get their hands on it.


For anyone not in the know, Cyberpunk 2077 was first announced way back in 2013 via a short cinematic. To put that into perspective, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt hadn’t even been announced properly at that point, leaving many long-time followers to believe that Cyberpunk was on the horizon.

It wasn’t until 2018 where audiences were treated to the next official trailer during Xbox's E3 event. Because of the massive successes of the universally loved Witcher series, there was a lot of immediate hype surrounding the upcoming release of Cyberpunk 2077.


With more and more slowly unveiled about the title through the Night City Wire dev updates, the hype has now become insurmountable as the countdown until the big day continues.

Due to over 7 years of insatiable hunger for its release, there are many out there who argue the game may have missed its opportune moment.


CD Projekt Red now sits on the dangerous precipice in between maximum hype and risking the spark fizzling out altogether.