Dark Souls Remastered Wishlist: 10 Features Fans Need To See

Lost Izilith needs a LOT of work.

By Adam Hogg /

When a developer remasters a game, there are certain things that are to be expected. Graphical updates, bug fixes and general maintenance are all run of the mill features, but sometimes there is a real opportunity for developers to go the extra mile and make the remastered version the game it was always meant to be.


And when it comes to the upcoming Dark Souls Remaster, there is the prospect of something truly special.

The original release was a flawed masterpiece. It was genuinely brilliant in some places whilst simultaneously being godawful in others. Be it from technical limitations or time constraints, there are parts of Dark Souls that were unfinished and unpolished, leaving a lot to be desired from the game's lesser parts.

And whilst we have been promised the usual bucket of remastered features, there is true potential for FromSoft to create the Dark Souls they originally intended to sell. Combine that with a number of features that were introduced later on the in the series, alongside some long-requested fan inclusions, and there is a possibility that we could have the perfect Souls game.

10. General PVP Fixes

FromSoftware has already promised the ability to have more players in a single world, co-op passwords and general connectivity fixes, but they haven't promised to address the myriad of problems that PVP in Dark Souls is belaboured by.


The introduction of an item that allows players to invade even after killing the area boss is a necessity. The current system of removing invasions from areas that you have already completed just ends up killing the PVP.

Not to mention, there is a serious problem with experienced players blitzing through the game without levelling, grabbing all the good gear and invading low-level areas.

Whilst From has tried to fix these problems in the past - to varying degrees of success - they at least have to put the effort in for the remaster. Otherwise, Dark Souls PVP is just going to suffer the same gradual decline and inevitable death that the original suffered.
