Dishonored: 10 Best Villains Of The Series

Never a dull moment in The Isles with these wrong-uns around.

By Lee Clarke /

Dishonored is one of the few video game series out there where the villains vastly outnumber the heroes. Compared to the mere handful of friendly people around The Isles, almost everyone with even a shred of power in this land is either morally bankrupt or a full-blown murderous psycho.


From Corvo Attano to Billie Lurk, every protagonist of the series has been inundated with corrupt politicians, religious zealots, treacherous turncoats and disciples of the Void itself. Even after the rat plague is eradicated, you have to wonder why anyone chooses to stick around in the godforsaken capital of Dunwall.

Depending on your playstyle, you can either shove a sword right through these dastardly devils and end their reign of terror right there and then, or you can find a more creative way of bringing them down, which often involves using their own tools against them.

And while many of these baddies aren't terribly memorable, there are certainly more than a few who linger on in your mind long after you do away with them.

10. Duke Luca Abele

The appeal of this odious character is in his complete and utter selfishness. Either he's aware that everything he does is in his own self-interest, or he's totally oblivious to the fact and yet still enjoys it anyway. Who knows?


Empress Emily Kaldwin first encounters Luca Abele, the Duke of Serkonos, when he arrives in Dunwall with the intention of deposing her and placing Delilah Copperspoon on the throne. Though his father, Theodanis, was a wise and benevolent ruler, Luca is more concerned with wealth and orgies than he is with the wellbeing of his people.

Despite this, he holds a certain admiration - perhaps even an infatuation - for Delilah, and helps her to take the position of power he believes is rightfully hers.

Infiltrating his grotesquely out-of-place mansion, Corvo or Emily is given the choice to cut him down, or to convince his mild-mannered body double, Armando, to pose as the Duke and accuse Luca of being a traitor. The latter is FAR more satisfying, and gives Serkonos a chance to recover under its new and more suitable leadership.
