Dishonored: 10 Best Villains Of The Series

9. Kirin Jindosh

Dishonored Brigmore Witches Delilah and Daud

Another character whose self-importance outweighs any grand evil scheme or what-have-you, Kirin Jindosh is both revered and reviled as the cleverest man in The Isles.

Once an apprentice of Anton Sokolov, Jindosh will jump at the opportunity to lord his fierce intelligence over his lessers. And, because this is Dishonored, he also delights in luring people to their demise, inviting them to explore his labyrinthian clockwork mansion where many end up so lost that they starve to death in the house's inner workings.

His crowning achievements are his clockwork soldiers, which are fully automated monstrosities of wood and metal that 'speak' using recordings of Jindosh's voice. Thankfully, the moustachioed maniac's plans to create an army of them for the Duke are foiled by Corvo/Emily in one of two ways.

You can either put him to the knife, which is absolutely the quick way out; or, you can exact on him a perfect exercise of poetic justice: strapping him into an electric chair and zapping the bejesus out of his immaculate brain, rendering him a total simpleton.

Nothing like a taste of your own medicine.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.