Elden Ring: 10 Secret Stories & Locations You NEED To Find

Did anyone suspect the merchants??

By Motzie Dapul /

FromSoftware's stories have always been an interesting dichotomy of "richly layered lore" and "utterly inscrutable plot" to the average player. For the most part, players are only ever encouraged to complete quests, without ever really needing to understand why, in order to finish the game.


With Elden Ring's open world setup, non-linear storytelling, and optional bosses, the main plot becomes just a little more decipherable. However, it also provides players with the opportunity to learn surprising details about the many colourful characters their Tarnished runs into along the way.

The more you dig into Elden Ring's story, and the Tarnished's role in it, the deeper the rabbit hole goes. The moment you think you know what's happening, revelations about fantastical enemies or friendly NPCs flip the script. Sometimes the player even learns they were the bad guy all along, or at least helping the bad guys.

Still, every revelation makes the world of Elden Ring all the more intriguing. It's hard not to get excited when you discover something surprisingly relevant to the main plot, just by picking a direction and running headlong into it, or doing a random NPC quest that ends up being the biggest twist in the entire game.

Needless to say, massive spoilers will follow.

10. The Merchants And The Frenzied Flame

If you've ever wondered why your friendly neighbourhood merchants have bright yellow eyes, it's the same reason some of the Merchants use chants of the Frenzied Flame when fought, or play the same tune on their instruments that's heard above the Frenzied Flame Proscription.


In the lore of Elden Ring, in part revealed by the Nomadic Merchant's Armour Set, the merchants were once part of a Great Caravan.

However, they were one day rounded up for "heretical beliefs" and buried alive underground. In chanting a curse of despair, they summoned the "flame of frenzy".

Accepting the Frenzied Flame as Tarnished and becoming Elden Lord achieves the "Lord of Frenzied Flame" ending, where the player burns the world with chaos and destruction, including faithful steed Torrent. This causes loyal maiden Melina to swear revenge and deliver the Tarnished their Destined Death.

All the Merchants, when fought, have dialogue hinting at their connection to the Frenzied Flame. You can also find the mass grave of their Caravan underground, many in the position your character dies in when inflicted by Frenzy.

It's a surprising revelation to know that the passive, helpful merchants have such a deep connection with such a powerful, chaotic being.
