Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Features It MUST Have

With TES 6 a while off, we can only hope that it has some great features like these.

By Jordan Buckel /

The Elder Scrolls series has to be one of the most beloved and well-regarded RPG series’ of all time. The series has certainly evolved since the first game in 1994. The world of Tamriel and it’s incredibly unique and charming locations, from the Ashy wastes of Vvardenfell to the vast, open meadows of Skyrim, has transformed many of our boring evenings.


The base games alone often give enough content for at least a good 100 hours of enjoyable gameplay. With multiple different factions, play styles and DLC for each game, you’re probably looking at somewhere in between two hundred plus hours for Skyrim and a hundred plus hours for Oblivion.

Throw in some mods to add quests, new content, or even just for a fresh lick of paint, and it can alter and extend your playthrough even further.

Skyrim does not have one feature that it pulls off to a perfect standard, but it does have a lot of features that it pulls off to a good standard. But there's always room for improvement, so here are some of the features that would make Elder Scrolls 6 even better.

10. Better User Interface

I think we can all agree that the UI in Skyrim is by no means perfect. Sure, it worked, but it was very clunky. For PC users, this was fixed by the mod SkyUI which cleaned up the interface and made improvements and additions. Unfortunately, console players still have to deal with navigating the aged menus.


Although we don’t really think about them when buying our games, the user interface plays a huge role in the enjoyability of a game. If you have to spend ages sorting your junk from your valuables or flicking through letters trying to find the note you need for a quest that you gave up on a week ago, then you’re going to have a bad time. It makes a noticeable impact on your enjoyment.

This is also true for the loot system and how you equip weapons, especially with consoles not having hotkeys.

The UI needs to be smooth and easy to use. It needs to be easier to navigate and sort your items. It would be a real shame for Bethesda to develop a real gem of an Elder Scrolls game for its UI to let it down.
