Every Upcoming PS5 Game - Ranked By Hype

The Hype Train beckons.

By Zoë Miskelly /

After the recent PS5 reveal event, we've been presented with a whole lot of choice games with imminent releases. There seems to be a game for just about any type of gamer - and several that should appeal to pretty much every demographic.


And so, naturally, some games have substantially more hype surrounding them than others, for a smorgasbord of reasons. Sometimes this is based on the quality of a game, but a lack of hype isn't always indicative of a bad game - just one that hasn't quite gotten the audience reaction yet.

It's also in no small part because several beloved franchises have brought new instalments to our doors, like the most delicious of fresh produce. And, for fans of said franchises, putting a new entry to the series in front of them is like dangling meat in front of a hungry lion.

Be it that it's in a much-loved franchise, because it has an interesting premise, or just because it looks goddamn cool, all sorts of games have stoked our communal interest - and almost all of them with good reason.

51. Astro's Playroom

Amongst a sea of excitement, Astro's Playroom is quaint, but not exactly surprising or especially hype-worthy. In all fairness, this is because the game isn't trying to necessarily sell itself to the same degree, since it comes with a copy of the PS5.


Because of this, it only really has three tasks; help you learn the new controller, be entertaining, and look cool. And it's fair to say it's managed all three.
