Fallout 3 Anniversary Edition: 9 Longstanding Issues Bethesda Must Fix

Please lets us FINALLY skip that intro.

By Josh Brown /


It's hard to believe that Fallout 3 took over the world almost ten years ago. Launching seemingly out of nowhere, Bethesda's reimagining of the cult RPG achieved the same success as the studio's main Elder Scrolls titles, with their first effort in particular being held up on a pedestal as one of the developer's all-time best.


It's no surprise to hear, then, that the company are priming a re-release to coincide with the game's 10th Anniversary this fall. Leaked alongside a whole host of other Nintendo games, the remastered version of the title hasn't been officially confirmed, but it hasn't stopped fans from dreaming up ways that Bethesda could build on the third title's admittedly-strong foundations.

After all, the gaming world has changed a lot in the past 10 years, and considering the way Bethesda have constantly reinvented and resold Skyrim without much of a substantial overhaul, there is a lot that could go wrong with their updated version of Fallout 3.
