Fallout 3 Anniversary Edition: 9 Longstanding Issues Bethesda Must Fix

9. Third-Person Combat Should Actually Work

fallout 3

Like all of Bethesda's RPGs, you had the option to play Fallout 3 in either third or first person, but it was only really the latter perspective that was viable. While the weightless, over-the-shoulder camera just about worked for the melee-combat system in Oblivion, it didn't support the gunplay that defined this post-apocalyptic shooter.

Hell, the shooting barely felt good when you were in first-person, thanks to success in firefights being more about numbers and stats than skill and accuracy. Consequently, going over the shoulder only really worked when you wanted to see whatever sick new outfit you had adorned your character with, rather than in actual combat.

Bethesda have found a way to make this perspective more viable though, with Fallout 4 boasting substantially better third-person combat. If the devs could transfer the weightier, more responsive shooting of that title over to the remaster, then they could solve one of the biggest drawbacks of that original game.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3