Fallout 4: 10 Biggest WTF Moments From The E3 Demo

War can change quite a lot, as it happens.

By Jordan Forward /

E3 comes but once a year and, when it comes, it brings good cheer. Ahead of many other colossal announcements this year, especially in terms of game announcements, Bethesda held their own conference before E3 officially kicked off where they gave one of the most substantial E3 reveals of recent memory, unveiling Dishonoured 2 and giving their fans a better look at Doom 4, Battlecry, Dishonoured: Definitive Edition and€”of course€”Fallout 4. Fallout 4 was given the most screen time at the press conference, with two demos, a free standalone Vault management game (Fallout Shelter) for iOS and Android and trailer that was filled to the brim with snippets of combat and carnage that will take months to dissect. Not that it will be worth picking everything apart thanks to Bethesda's revelation that we would be able to experience Fallout 4 for ourselves as soon as the 10th of November; not even five months away. However, where many aspects of the Bethesda's initial Fallout 4 announcement stank of an alarmingly safe reveal, with fan-pleasing moments and barely a hint at anything new in terms of gameplay or features, Bethesda's E3 reveal was positively overflowing with content and ideas that had never been seen in this adored franchise. From what Bethesda showed off, there's a lot to get excited about.