Fallout 4: 10 Biggest WTF Moments From The E3 Demo

10. Pre-War Protagonist

Something that was glazed over quite quickly in the first E3 demo was the fact that the Fallout 4's leading protagonist, whether male or female, will survive the Great War of 2077 by sheltering in Vault 111 and emerge 200 years later supposedly unchanged. While the idea of humans entering into some form of ageing stasis has been touched upon a few times€”most notably through Fallout 3's Tranquility Lane and Fallout: New Vegas' Robert House€”the idea that someone could go 200 years without changing is new to the Fallout franchise; it is worth mentioning that Fallout 3's extra-terrestrial heavy DLC, Mothership Zeta, did feature a 715-year-old Samurai warrior. There can be no doubt that playing as a character who had experienced pre-apocalypse life will bring myriad subtleties and expositional gems into the frame, especially considering that the only other franchise insights we gain into pre-war existence in the Fallout universe come from ghouls, books and computer terminals. There's also the question of how humans achieved this astonishing technological feat and whether we might actually be dealing with cloning or robotics.

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