Fallout 4: 10 Crucial Things Fans Still Need To See At E3

Are those graphics really final?

By Scott Tailford /

June 3rd was like nerd Christmas, with the one game rumoured to exist on the same plane as Half-Life 3 finally getting confirmed. Luckily it was everything fans wanted and more (What? The graphics? Shhh just be happy, it'll be fine), Bethesda showing off everything from potential returning characters to one hell of a detailed world that proved they've listened to the many complaints thrown their way across the last seven years. However, for all the landscape shots and reworking of familiar elements, is it the all-singing all-dancing wasteland you wanted - or after so long, needed? There's no doubt the developer are keeping their cards close to their chest, but that approach to PR and video games in 2015 can easily backfire. That graphics debate alluded to before is slowly boiling to the top of the general furore around the game's unveiling, and as anyone who's taken a look at a Youtube comments section can attest to - if there's anything just slightly left of centre with any game, there'll be someone there to point it out. Right now Fallout 4 is still in peoples' good books by shear fact that it exists, but outside of the smattering of landmark shots and hints at what's to come, there's far more fans need to see before it can truly earned its place in gaming history.