FIFA 15: 9 International Teams That Need To Be Added

It's just not the complete experience unless we can play with Algeria.

By Connor Hutton /

The World Cup hangover is far from over and football fans across the globe are starving for another fix of euphoric action following an enthralling tournament in Brazil, and with the new Premier League season on the horizon, it won't be long until we're soaking up the drama once again. But if that's not enough to get your football crazed tastebuds tingling, then surely the upcoming release of FIFA 15 will be. Despite the global success of one of EA's highest grossing franchises, us FIFA geeks still search day and night for the most insignificant of issues within the game. EA deliver a more life-like experience every year but my word they still take an overdose of raging insults from players all over the world. Whoever said "It's just a game" has clearly never had first hand experience of the torment and anguish that comes with 90 minutes of FIFA. So, if we invest hours of our time obsessing so passionately over FIFA, then why do we go out of our way to slate the same game we fill with such hype? And how can EA make sure that niggling problems are nipped in the bud once and for all. Another chapter in the famous FIFA franchise will, like many before, bring substantial changes and additions. One aspect that dedicated gamers long for is an expansion in playable teams, and with the World Cup still fresh in our mind, what improvements could we possibly see on FIFA's international stage? Here we take a look at nine nations that need to be added to FIFA 15...