GTA 6: 10 Things Fans Most Want To See

Two simple words: Vice. City.

By Scott Tailford /


At some point, Rockstar will have to call it a day with Grand Theft Auto. Given advances in technology, the amount of money being thrown around and the sheer scope and scale of each sequel, by the time we reach GTA X, employees will be passing down work to their grandkids in the hope of finishing whatever planet has been chosen for adaptation.


Thankfully, that time is at least farther than one more sequel away, as Rockstar have confirmed production on GTA 6, even noting they've trialled the idea of going to the far East - only to discover that winding roads and constant traffic do not a fun game make.

I say "Tell that to Sleeping Dogs."


Still, now that GTA Online has run its course and we're sure Red Dead 3 is incoming hopefully before Christmas, it means the team will be putting all their efforts into GTA 6 - and all the market research that comes with it.

So think long and hard - what features do you most want in the next GTA? Sound them off in the comments below, because from now on, Rockstar are listening...



10. A Reason To Build Your Empire


GTA V may have been the densest in the series to date, stuffed with everything from tennis and golf mini-games to all sorts of property options to sink your cash into.


Thing is... none of it mattered all too much.

Yes, you could increase your cashflow, but why? To purchase more property and have even more money? By the close of the story all three characters were millionaires, simply because outside of weapons, there was nothing to spend such a huge amount of money on.


Going forward, GTA 6 needs a system that integrates world progression with character stats. Whether that be something as ridiculous as being harder to kill if you have more properties under your name (I'm talking literal respawns when you go down), access to high-end weapons only being able to be 'imported' when you have a high-enough reputation, or anything in between.

There needs to be a defined reason behind amassing stock in the game world, especially seeing as some of the higher-tier properties required millions to purchase in the first place.
