Nearly eight months after Grand Theft Auto V's debut trailer was first released and almost broke the internet with excitement, no new details whatsoever have come out from the tightly lipped Rockstar. Only rabid speculations from fans and usually false news leaks from people claiming they work or have worked at Rockstar, have unearthed in the months since. Is this a type of sneaky advertising? A purposeful strategy from Rockstar to get people talking about the game? If it is, by gum has it worked. Previous GTAs and other Rockstar games, usually have had multiple trailers out by now, each giving more details on the lead protagonist and a vague idea of what the game will focus on, setting etc. Each GTA has pushed itself further and further on improving graphics, adding more gameplay mechanics, interesting storylines and achieving a more immersive, living, breathing world. But the major difference between all GTAs is the generation of console they have come out on and the graphics they present. GTA 1 and expansions were of the same family of graphics. GTA 2 had a different sort of lighting effect, which made it seem like a highly different game. GTA III era games (GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, GTA Liberty City Stories and GTA Vice City Stories) were of the same family of games with linked characters between games and generally the same sort of PS2, XBOX, PSP and PC graphics. GTA IV seemed so amazing to GTA fans because of the supreme graphical advancements including Rockstar's own RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) and convincing ragdoll physics. The storyline was engaging and the characters unique, though a good percentage of players want to kill Roman and ram his phone down his throat, Niko, you want to go get a bite to eat? So, in order for GTA V to be loved the most by GTA fans and gain new ones, radical improvements need to be made. Here are my top 10 for what Rockstar need to improve to make GTA V live up to our expectations.... Click "next" below to start our journey...