GTA V: 10 Improvements That Need To Be Made

10. Purchasable Items

One of the few GTA V details scraped from Rockstar was the strong focus on money. The V in GTA V's logo is like a 5 on an American dollar. So with this focus on money, an improvement on past GTA's needs to be more things available to buy, and at a realistic cost. If Pay and Sprays return, you will have to say goodbye to the pasts $500 respray and repair and say hello to a much higher price. I know repairing a car isn€™t really a purchase but I felt this needed to be put in perspective regarding how quickly you will lose money. To make up for your lost money all the signs point to higher paid jobs, and higher paid jobs points to drugs. Drugs could be income and car repairs will be high, what else needs to be improved in the manner of purchases? Possibly more clothes, car upgrades, house decorations or even just a good quality meal. GTA doesn€™t have a strong history of legitimate ways to obtain cars, sure the odd car could be bought, but not all. I am suggesting that more car yards are around, or that internet sites could exist that have a large range of cars to order in, which, you can specify colour etc. Then delivery would occur and you own your own car and you don€™t have the guilt of wondering how that little old lady will get around without her overpowered orange Infernus.

Christopher Miller is a young gaming and movie lover. He is Australian and waiting impatiently for GTA V between playing with his chickens and sleeping.