GTA V: 11 Brand New Secrets And Easter Eggs You Need To Check Out

Murder mysteries, monster trucks and... a jetpack?!

By Scott Tailford /

Rockstar's uber-detailed behemoth of crime and wanton destruction is the gift that just keeps on giving. From that first time you're blown away when realising the tiny dot on the horizon can be zoomed in on and interacted with, to just last year when the re-release made everything all feel incredible again, they really have outdone themselves when it comes to stretching the limits of programming tech. GTA: San Andreas was the first in the series to offer a world so staggeringly huge at a time when a burgeoning internet was finding its feet, that a great many secrets and myths started to crop up, and it's a healthy inquisitive mindset that's transferred across to the new generation too. Rockstar have done their part along the way as well, becoming imminently more aware of what they'd created and taking something like what must have originated as a random San Andreas theory - the idea of Bigfoot lurking around in the Back o' Beyond - and blowing it up into an actual side mission GTA V. Naturally the way it all plays out is doused in Rockstar's black humour, but nonetheless they've always been spectacular at stuffing the GTA games with a million things to do when you're finished with the main missions - especially when a remastered edition frees up some processing power and disc space to play around with.
