GTA V: 11 Brand New Secrets And Easter Eggs You Need To Check Out

11. Play As A Huge Array Of Animals

We covered the idea of playing as a range of birds over on this list of brand new features as it seems all you have to do is track down any of the many peyote plants, take a bite and become reimagined as a random bird. What hadn't been mentioned at the time of writing that article though, was that depending on which of the plants you eat, there's a far wider array of animals available to morph into, Manimal-style. The way it works is the plants up on Mt. Chiliad (at least anyway, there's 27 of them) seem to spawn you as a bird, whereas the one that's found in La Puerta (seen below) seems to put you in the body of something like a wolf or mountain lion. Either way it's pretty insane, and you have to check it out - just go to La Puerta and match up the below map to your in-game one, the plant is behind the batting cage in the playing field near the skate ramps.
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