GTA V: 11 More Things You Didn't Know

Are there really 27 new playable characters?

By James McGrath /

Alas, Grand Theft Auto V arrives once more in stores, spit-shined and retooled from the last-generation to show all the new-gen big boys how it€™s done. The revelation of GTA as an FPS cannot be understated. Far Cry, Call of Duty and Battlefield have some serious worrying to do. We know you€™ve heard about higher-res textures, thicker grass and the new perspective, but some finer details surely slipped you by. Realtime reflections are even more realtime-y and reflective. Realistic trash litters urban and rural cesspools alike. First-person ragdolling will be a seriously nauseating good time. Back when we jaded few all scoffed at the prospect of GTA V€™s debut on the eve of a brand new console generation, we held our tongues when it blew every next-gen launch game out of the water. One year later €“ in the hottest gaming month of the holiday season €“ Rockstar€™s flagship re-release looks better than everything else we€™re playing. If you haven€™t yet felt the warm clutch of GTA V€™s epic embrace, you have every reason to pick it up, but San Andreas is packing plenty of new features for die hard fans. From top to bottom, Rockstar is simply taking their biggest game and making it that much better. The following are 10 extra features that even the eagle-eyed may have missed€