GTA V: 11 More Things You Didn't Know

11. The New FPS Perspective Is Highly Customizable

We've already told you about first and third-person hybridization, allowing you to meticulously customize which perspective governs which state of play. Taking cover can automatically snap you to third-person, a la Rainbow Six -- or maybe you only want to drive in first, running and gunning in third-person. Any and all combinations are yours for the contextual tinkering, but the potential for personalization runs even deeper. Unless you turn it off, a shallow-focus effect will manipulate your visible depth of field when you aim at a target -- its potency fully tweakable on a gradient scale. The easily queasy can modify settings so they only enter third-person in a ragdoll wipeout. Hell, even your field of view can be manipulated, narrowing or widening your peripheral vision. Rockstar is bringing a PC degree of customization to consoles, a high bar to set before the true PC version drops this January.
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Real Science Magazine called James' addiction to video games "sexually attractive." He also worked really hard and got really lucky in college and earned some awards for acting, improv and stand-up, but nobody cares about that out here in LA. So... He's starting over fresh, performing when He can. His profile picture features James as Serbian, vampire comic Dorde Mehailo with His anonymous Brother and Uncle at the Nerdmelt Showroom in West Hollywood. In James' spare time, he engages in acting, writing, athletics, hydration, hours of great pondering and generally wishing you'd like him.