Mass Effect 4: Andromeda - 10 Small Changes That Would Make A Big Difference

How to make sure Bioware's next entry is the best yet.

By Brandon Jacobs /

Despite an underwhelming conclusion, the Mass Effect trilogy is still one of the most beloved video game franchises around. Fans can€™t get enough of the detailed universe, plausible sci-fi concepts, likeable characters and exhilarating action. Much time has passed since the last game, and so it should come as no surprise that anticipation for the next entry in the series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is astronomical. As good as the past games were however, they were far from perfect. Every game had its own issues, but fans overlooked them because everything else was so good. But three years later, and with our sights set on the future, it would stand to reason that the series will make some major changes in order to improve upon its foundation and take the series into the next generation of gaming. This fact is fairly obvious, but what about the little things? There€™s no denying that the Mass Effect games had a plethora of minor problems, as all games do, that, despite their smallness, briefly tainted the experience. Sure, they were negligible in the grand scheme of things, but if they were addressed or changed going into Andromeda, it would make all the difference. These are just a handful of minor changes that would make the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda the best game in the series yet.