Metroid: 25 Greatest Boss Fights RANKED

Ridley vs. Mother Brain... and a ton of others.

By James Egan /

With Metroid Dread exceeding everyone's expectations and Metroid Prime 4 lurking ever closer, gamers have recently found themselves drifting down memory lane, looking back at all the greatest moments in this Nintendo franchise.


There are many key elements that define the Metroid series, including the atmosphere, the upgrades, the exploration, and even the painstaking backtracking. But one pivotal element that's helped make Metroid stand the test of time is the spectacular boss battles.

Enemies like Kraid, Ridley, SA-X, and Mother Brain weren't just cool - they were haunting, creative, and awe-inspiring. Not only that, these ferocious foes often had multiple phases, each with a series of increasingly difficult tactics.

Instead of just blasting these catastrophic creatures like in most adventure-platformers, our hero, the player must rely on alternating strategies and switching weapons and upgrades to vanquish these malevolent monsters.

There have been so many great bosses in the series (almost a hundred), it's genuinely difficult to pinpoint who's the best one. After looking at all the games, we've whittled down the top 25 greatest bosses that our hero, Samus Aran, has ever faced.

25. Kiru Giru - Metroid Zero Mission

Throughout the Metroid series, Samus can can freeze an enemy with her Ice Beam, allowing her to use its body as a platform to reach other inaccessible areas. Even though this is common practise throughout the franchise, it's rarely implemented for the bosses.


However, it's a necessary tactic to defeat Kiru Giru, who appears in the remake of the original game, Metroid: Zero Mission. When you enter the bug's room, Kiru will be curled up on the ceiling, protecting his weak spot. Samus has to freeze the Winged Ripper flying around and jump on it so she can blast the vines that are holding the Kiru up.

Once this overgrown larva is blasted enough times, it'll fall out of the ceiling, smashing through the ground, creating a new path to continue.
