The Lord Of The Rings franchise is a juggernaut and has produced many good games and even an expansive MMO. The next release comes to us from Monolith Studios and goes the route of an Assassin's Creed/Arkham City-esque 3rd person action adventure with several new and interesting game mechanics, including a recurring army of ranked enemies who remember you and a host of supernatural powers. Of course, the Lord Of The Rings universe is massive in size and depth and as the games story takes place between the events of The Hobbit and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, there's plenty of opportunities for intelligently placed cameos throughout. Considering the player character in Shadow Of Mordor is a brand new character, a half human half wraith Ranger by the name of Talion, the developers have carte blanche with the story and any of the connections they want to make to the existing canon. We've seen glimpses of Gollum stalking Mordor's ruins already and other characters like Galadriel have already been announced for inclusion, but what of the rest of Middle-Earth? We count down ten more cameos we'd really love to see and our ideas as to how they would come about.