Mortal Kombat X: 10 Future Guest Characters That Must Be Included

10 ways to make the best fighting game roster of all time.

By Martin Harp /

Mortal Kombat X is set to gain four new fighters with the upcoming release of its second fighter pack, and while two of these are guests (same as before with the last fighter DLC), soon you'll be able to saw your friends in half with Leatherface or terrorise their feeble existence with the Xenomorph from Alien. These two will then be able to square off with the already available Jason Voorhees and Predator, meaning that Alien vs. Predator showdown we've all been waiting for will soon be a reality - a bloody, gory, brutal and downright fantastic reality. Guest characters, however, can be shaky ground for some, because many fans would rather see the lore of the game explored, as oppose to some guest character pumped in for the sake of it. Hell, they'd like to see those characters from past games who still appear to be left out of this version find their way in (like a playable version of Baraka, for the love of god). While that's understandable and a very valid complaint to exclude guest characters, where's the fun in that? Until NetherRelm Studios can give us a game just like Mortal Kombat that consists of nothing but guest fighters who can brutally maim and destroy each other, Celebrity Deathmatch-style (which actually sounds pretty awesome), we'll have to settle for some guest kombatants. It's not known if more will appear in this game as DLC after the most recently included group, but here's to wishful thinking and 10 that must be considered.