Mortal Kombat X: 10 Overpowered Characters Who Need Downgrading

Whoever designed Erron Black's shooting animations is as evil as Shao Kahn himself.

By Joe Pring /

Say MK fans, do you remember how much fun it was sinking hours into Mortal Kombat 3 whilst struggling to beat Motaro and Shao Kahn after what felt like upwards of a gazillion attempts? What? It wasn't fun at all? Hmm, that's strange, because NetherRealm clearly still think creating overpowered characters is what everyone wants in their Mortal Kombat. I mean, did they even try to maintain even the smallest semblance of balance before shipping MK X? Sub-Zero's Grandmaster variant and everything relating to Erron Black proves they'd rather cackle maniacally at us trying in vein to succeed, than create a fair experience right away. In all seriousness though, NetherRealm clearly underestimated how abusable certain characters would be in the right (or wrong) hands. With that said, creating 20 plus vastly different characters with eclectic playstyles and keeping them balanced was never going to be easy, but these guys aren't just a little overpowered - they take the concept of balance and shove it where the sun don't shine...

10. D'Vorah (Swarm Queen)

D'Vorah isn't a good Mortal Kombat character. Her annoying tendency to speak only in third person (you're not Yoda, just stop), is equally matched by how cheap her Swarm Queen variant is to fight against. Unique to this form are two moves that, when combined, can probably be blamed for untold levels of anger-fuelled controller throwing and broken peripherals. Wasp Grenade and Vortex Swarm. Oh lord, how I hate thee. The former attack replaces D'Vorah's standard projectile with one that - if it hits - instantly stuns her opponents and leaves them open to attack. So even if she's hit by one of your own projectiles at the same time as hers, you won't recover fast enough to defend her onslaught. The latter attack - Vortex Swarm - lifts suspends D'Vorah's opponents up in the air and leaves them entirely defenceless and open to an air combo. The worst part? Both attacks can be combined to ensure that one of them will always hit you as you can't block both high and low at the same time. It's totally cheap, and one of them needs to be relocated to a separate variant.