Mortal Kombat X: 10 Overpowered Characters Who Need Downgrading

9. Raiden (Thunder God)

If you come up against a player using the Thunder God variation of Raiden and they manage to push you into a corner, you can kiss goodbye to any potential victory you might have achieved. All of Raiden's variations rely pretty heavily on literal shock therapy, but Thunder God is so outlandishly good that his other two variations (Displacer/Master Of Storms) look as if they'd deliver less pain than a static shock in comparison. Literally every single one of his combos in this variation can be ended with a multi-hit lightning attack that has absolutely no risk whatsoever due to the push back caused if the opponent blocks. The chained lightning attacks don't just stay safe on block though. They also generate copious amounts of super energy and can be cancelled into a grab attack if the first hits land. Yeah, it's totally dumb. Either make the move MUCH more risky and punishable if it's blocked, or remove entirely the ability to cancel the move into other specials.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.