NBA 2K16: 6 Things Spike Lee's Involvement Tells Us

Maybe he'll make his beloved New York Knicks less awful...

By Jack G King /

Further details of Spike Lee's involvement in the upcoming NBA 2K16 game have been released, and he looks set to have a hand in one of the most unique career modes ever seen in any sports-gaming franchise. The New York Knicks' most famous (and outspoken) fan - and director of such lauded films as He Got Game, Malcolm X and Jungle Fever - has been recruited to write the narrative of 2K's pioneering MyCareer mode, potentially revolutionising the way such game modes work. Last year's instalment saw the inclusion of a rival, as well as interactive backstage conversations with teammates, coaches, general managers and agents, but the actual storyline was fairly thin on the ground. If Lee's track record is anything to go by, 2K16 should see a darker, grittier narrative, one potentially concerning the pitfalls of fame, money, and all the trappings that come with the life of a professional NBA athlete. On the surface, this seems a wholly positive move - as well as a hugely ambitious decision from a gaming franchise which has always devoted greater time and consideration to its career mode than many rivals. However, such a high focus on one particular aspect of the game could threaten to overshadow NBA 2K16 as a whole. Here are six things Lee's involvement tells us about NBA 2K16, and the implications it could potentially have over the whole sports-gaming genre.