Playstation: 5 Reasons Gaming Couldn't Get Better

By Aria Darabi /

Following its release in 1995, Sony's Playstation amazed us all. Its life-like graphics stunned gamers world-wide and even to this day, it gives the Nintendo 64 a run for its money. The Playstation has been out for three years now, and in those three years I have amassed a list of why this is the pinnacle of gaming. Gaming couldn't get any better due to our technical limitations: the computer has been invented, the internet has been invented; there isn't much we could build upon existing technology. Sure, we could implement a built-in cassette player but come on: who would possibly use that?

5. The CD

When the 'compact disc' came out in 1982, it revolutionized technology as a whole. We no longer needed to save data using 'bumps and grooves', but rather with numbers and laser-disc technology. Sony realized its potential and it was a pleasant surprise when they implemented it to their console. It is a step in the right direction compared to the standard cartridge casing the Nintendo 64 uses. CD's save us the hassle of blowing into cartridges for 50% of our gaming time. Who knows; we might still use CD technology 20 years from now!