PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

Those games you always heard were great? Now's the time.

By Scott Tailford /

Digital distribution, or physical? It's a question to divide the generations right down the middle, but one hell of a blow to the former's sales has come in the form of PlayStation Now. Sony's close-to-brilliant streaming service lets you dive into an ever-expanding list of PS3 games, playing as many as you like for a (still a little too pricey) monthly fee. Microsoft's answer is backwards compatibility on the Xbox One, patching in some fancy hardware recognition that'll let you revisit your collection for free - providing each publisher lets such a thing go ahead for their respective titles, anyway. For now though, it's PS Now leading the fray when it comes to even acknowledging their were consoles before this generation, as until now they've been all but forgotten about. Whilst many PS3 owners already have the likes of Uncharted, God of War or Infamous sitting on dusty shelves somewhere, the beauty of having a "Netflix for games"-style service is that it opens you up to all sorts of incredible experiences you'd maybe heard of, always wanted to borrow from a friend or simply try out for a few minutes without putting down too much cash. So, where to start? Right here.