PS5 Reveal: 10 Rumoured Games & Features Sony MUST Confirm

With the PS5 fast approaching, we're anxious to see more features and games in action soon.

By Jordan Buckel /

The release of the PS5 is just around the corner, and we still haven't seen the console itself. We are aware of some of the PS5s new features and hardware, as well as some upcoming games, but right now it feels like there's a hell of a lot more that we don't know. The disruption of most gaming events this year has led to us having less information than we should, and it kind of sucks.


The gaming industry has been keeping us drip-fed on little scraps of information, but we're yet to see any extensive gameplay that showcases the capabilities of the new consoles.

We got the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo which showcased some incredible graphics and lighting with 8K film quality textures, but it makes you wonder if games will actually look like that at launch, or maybe after the devs have a few years practice with the new hardware.

It also makes you wonder what Sony has planned for the future of the PS5. The next-gen consoles are going to be around for the next 10-15 years, and it makes sense that Sony would look to stay ahead of Microsoft and win the console wars again. Do they have plans for improved PSVR that could compete with the others? What can developers achieve with an SSD 100 times faster than the PS4 hard drive?

We'll find out the answers to everything on June 11th.

10. Feature - The Price

Yet another feature that we are left to speculate about endlessly is the price. Sony has yet to confirm a cost of the PS5, leaving the community to theorise as to how much they will have to drop on the new next-gen console. The average estimate is around £500-£600, yet some say that considering the cutting-edge hardware that the PS5 has we may be looking at more than that.


Console gaming has always been more affordable than PC gaming. It would make sense that Sony want to continue that trend as sure enough Microsoft will be doing the same and keeping their system at a reasonable cost. To price themselves out of the market would be a bad move for Sony and may risk their current supremacy in the console arena.

Whatever the cost, it is safe to say that the new next-gen consoles are going to give PC's a run for their money.
