Red Dead Online: Frontier Pursuits - Everything You Need To Know

Red Dead Online has had a substantial upgrade.

By David Bowles /

Whilst Red Dead Online (RDO) had a rocky and lacklustre initial launch, Rockstar have made strides toward improving this service in hopes of providing a Wild West that can share the same stage as their unfathomably successful GTA Online.


We’ve seen numerous tweaks and patches made to RDO since it launched in November 2018, but this latest update takes the online experience to a whole new level. Could this potentially be RDO’s equivalent of the Heists update on GTA Online?

With the Frontier Pursuits update, Rockstar have introduced three new character specialties- Bounty Hunter, Trader and Collector. These award the player with new gameplay mechanics, missions and rewards catered to their chosen specialty, in a similar fashion as the biker gang leader or CEO builds in GTA Online. Much like with GTA, RDO players can choose one of these specialties, or focus their character on all three.

Alongside the three specialties, Rockstar have also patched in some new items, features, abilities and economy tweaks that will come as a welcome addition to players. In this article, we’ll review the Frontier Pursuits update, its various new features and how these changes will affect the gameplay experience for players, old and new.

6. The Additional Updates

Before we delve into the most exciting aspects of this new update, the specialties, we should address the additional updates that Rockstar have provided as well. These inclusions alone would be enough to turn a few heads, so we shouldn’t overlook them before continuing to the meat of the update. The list of extras, as provided on Rockstar’s website, is as follows:


New items, weapons, clothing and horse-drawn vehicles

Directional damage indicators to display where your character is hit from

Additional horse breeds

The ability to change your character’s appearance without resetting progress

Expanded custom outfit slots

The ability to name saved outfits

Role-specific Free Roam Events

Increased selling prices for looted Jewelry

Increased movement and animations speeds for more responsive combat (including aiming, cocking and reloading), faster looting and more

Additional game balancing and improvements

This extensive list of goodies will address a number of issues players have with RDO. The variety of new items, cosmetics and horses should make the game feel less bare-boned. Improved outfit slots and the appearance changing option will allow for more cosmetic diversity between players. The improvements to animations and addition of damage indicators will benefit gameplay, and the increased selling prices will reward the player with a fairer economy.

Even before considering the new specialties, this update already shows a commitment from Rockstar to enhance the RDO experience.
