Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Reasons Why It Sucks

A whistle-stop tour of Raccoon City isn't what we wanted.

By Greg Hicks /

As a massive fan of the series, this is a bitter pill to swallow.


It pains me to admit it, but this year's remake of Resident Evil 3 really, really... falls short of expectations.

Alright, not going to beat around the bush: It sucks.

It's disappointing because it had so much potential to expand on what last year's remake offered us. You can hardly say it was rushed, either. The groundwork's been there for the last twenty one years.

Whilst it may have retained the more action-focused gameplay of its original, it comes at such a massive sacrifice. Massive parts of the original have either been tweaked or just flat out removed.

Iconic locations? Gone.

Puzzles? Gone.

A massively addictive unlockable minigame? Non-existent.

That snazzy Regina-from-Dino-Crisis unlockable costume? You'd better believe that's gone.

Instead, we've been given a narrowed down, linear experience with all of its unique charm from the original removed.

A much shorter runtime, bare minimum of endgame content, not to mention any real threat from the big nasty titular creature makes for a lacking experience.

And no, Resistance doesn't make up for any of it.

So come along and share my disappointment as we look at why this year's Resident Evil 3 remake is a massive letdown.

10. The Nemesis

The defining thing that made the Nemesis terrifying in the original is his penchant for turning up at unexpected times, sometimes following you through doors to add more terror too.


The problem was, this mechanic was utilised for Mr. X in last year's title, stepping him up from his planned routes in the original.

So had they done the same with the Nemesis, fans would complain he was the same as Mr. X was, albeit occasionally armed. Yet why would that have been a bad thing? Mr. X was a constant, lumbering menace. Having that ramped up with a faster Nemesis would have been perfect.

Instead, we just got predictable set pieces and easily spotted "jump scares" in its place. The power station is a prime example: see that massive brick wall and open space on your way there?

Yeah, you guessed it.

The real fear of the original was hearing a door open and the music swell, as he catches you unawares.

Having a big, obvious wall or open area always gives the game away.
