Soul Calibur 6: 10 Guest Characters Namco Must Consider

Genji, Geralt, Spider-Man?

By George Foster /


Whilst no official announcement has appeared for Soul Calibur 6, it's doubtlessly on the way. The famed fighting game franchise is long overdue a sequel or comeback in general, especially when there are so many other fantastic fighting games currently on offer.


Besides the innovative fighting system, characters and customisation, Soul Calibur is known for one big thing - guest characters. Ever since the second game in the series, characters from other media have bled their way into the arena to become staples of the franchise. These guests have ranged from the expected like KOS-MOS and Spawn, to the wacky like Yoda and Link.

One of the best aspects of including these guest characters comes from how well they are implemented. Although it may seem odd to include Link and Yoda, Project Soul manage to make each character feel true to form whilst also feeling like they fit in the Soul Calibur universe. Fans have viewed these guest characters as one of the biggest and best aspects of Soul Calibur, with each character feeling fully developed and unique.


Because of the wide range of franchises and characters that have previously made guest appearances, there is an endless amount of possibility when it comes to predicting who could become a fighter in the next entry.