Soul Calibur 6: 10 Guest Characters Namco Must Consider

10. Akira Yuki (Virtua Fighter)

Virtua Fighter 5 Akira Yuki

The Virtua Fighter franchise has been considered dead for way too long. Hence why Akira appearing in the next Soul Calibur would be a great first step in revitalising the fan-favourite fighting series.

An established fighter, all Project Soul would have to do is import Akira's moves over to Soul Calibur's fighting system. Akira is also one of the most prominent and iconic fighters in gaming, which makes him more than a match for characters like Ivy. His fighting style would also suit the use of a staff, making him a character with both long range and power.

Namco Bandai partnering with Sega wouldn't be out of the ordinary either. They've previously worked together to bring Sonic to Super Smash Brothers, which implies that they've got a good kind of relationship.

Sega should definitely consider including Akira in the next Soul Calibur, especially if they ever plan on giving Virtua Fighter some sort of sequel.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.