Spider-Man PS4: 10 Big Things We Learned From The E3 Demo

Miles Morales? Hell. YES.

By Ewan Paterson /


It's only been a year since we got our first look at Sony's exclusive Spider-Man title, but boy, it hasn't half felt like a while. Everyone expected to get another glimpse of Insomniac's pet project at Sony's Conference, but to get an entire demo to gawk at as well? That's pretty special and, judging by the deluge of comments on social media in the wake of the walkthrough, it looks as though the hype train has been well and truly set in motion.


2018, here we come.


Despite only giving us a brief ten minute glimpse of Insomniac's efforts, the demo - perhaps unsurprisingly - let quite a lot slip. On top of an introduction to the world and combat of the Sony exclusive, we got to see allies, enemies and a whole lot more make an appearance.

Gameplay features aside, it's clear that Insomniac have gone to great lengths to build a unique world for their version of the wallcrawler to inhabit. Indeed, this is no mere imitation of the MCU; what we have here is a genuine, bonafide, electrified universe waiting to be explored, and I for one am chomping at the bit to get there.


But what do we know so far? A whole lot actually and, as previously stated, this particular demo gave us a lot to digest. Allow me to walk you through it.