Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

This is one of those times where the sequel will totally eclipse the original.

By Brandon Jacobs /

The long awaited third Star Wars Battlefront has finally arrived, and the reception has been... well, mixed, to say the least. While everyone agrees that it looks and sounds amazing, many people find the overall experience too shallow to justify paying full price, especially when you add the ridiculously expensive season pass. Sure, there's no denying Battlefront can be very fun and even thrilling at times, especially for Star Wars fans, but it doesn€™t take long before you realise you€™ve exhausted all value the game has to offer. There is simply not enough content here, which is a shame, because it is a solid game that happens to suffer from some serious problems that hold it back from true greatness. All hope is not lost, however. EA has made it clear that they have every intention of making Battlefront a long-running franchise, and the silver lining here is that the next instalment will give DICE and EA the chance to innovate and improve on the many issues plaguing this first game. Fan feedback has been brutally honest, and one can only hope that EA will use the thousands of comments to make the next Battlefront significantly better.

10. More Character Customisation

While Star Wars Battlefront does allow you to customize both your Rebel and Imperial characters, you€™ll quickly find that the system, like many other elements of the game, is disappointingly shallow. Other than some aliens and a couple of unique armors you can unlock at higher levels, you are mostly limited to customizing your character€™s face. Given the rich mythology of the Star Wars universe, this limitation feels like a lost opportunity. Fans want to be able to rework their entire character, and while it is certainly understandable why DICE doesn€™t want pink or yellow Stormtroopers running around, it seems only natural to allow players to at least change the little details. The next Battlefront should give players the choice to add personality to their character with a host of different helmets, symbols, tags, and markings. Every Rebel and Stormtrooper shouldn€™t have to look exactly the same; they should be decorated so as to imply a history behind the character. It adds realism to the game world, as it stands to reason that soldiers on both sides would personalize their equipment; it€™s what real soldiers do. And of course, it should remain cosmetic.