Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

9. Better Spawn Points

An issue you might notice after playing Battlefront for any extended period of time, is that the spawn points can range from frustrating to downright unfair. Too often in Walker Assault you€™ll spawn so far from the action that you have to run and catch up, which isn€™t very fun and can leave you out of the fight for long periods of time. In addition, other modes on smaller maps, particularly Hero Hunt, can frequently spawn you right in the middle of enemy fire, which kills you instantly. These issues aren€™t totally game-breaking, but they happen enough that it€™s guaranteed you€™ll feel cheated or annoyed at some point. This is why the Battlefront games really need to strive to have better spawn points going forward. While it€™s understandable that not every instance of being spawn-killed can be avoided completely, the games do need to be designed to minimise their occurrence. They also need find a way to spawn players closer to the action during the larger scale game modes, because way too much time can be spent catching up. Hopefully this issue can be fixed with a patch while future Battlefront instalments try to do a better job balancing instantaneous action with being more reasonable with where you start off.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.