Star Wars Battlefront 2 Campaign Hands-On: 10 Things We Learned

Possibly the best Star Wars campaign ever made.

By Scott Tailford /


Amongst a sea of bad press and allegations of making the entire multiplayer component "pay to win", you might be thinking EA have skimped out on the single player component of Battlefront 2 as well.


Thankfully - and this is by far the best thing about the upcoming release - what DICE have created with the help of writers Mitch Dyer and Walt Williams (of Spec-Ops: The Line fame) is a very promising, fan-focused campaign. DICE have created a single-player Star Wars campaign that feels incredibly well written and staged to add essential information to the wider mythos.

Introducing us to commander Iden Versio and the Inferno Squadron, she hails from a first for Star Wars: An Imperial planet comprising thousands of individuals who all believe in the Empire's authoritarian rule. The aim of the single player seems to be doing for the followers of the Empire precisely what Rogue One did for the Rebels - showing that achieving your goals involves getting stuck into some supremely moral grey territory.


Whether it comes together overall is something we'll have to wait for, but from what I played (the first three missions in full), there's a TON to take away...
