Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Sequel

Battlefront 2 is over. Here's how to make the threequel incredible.

By Ewan Paterson /


News on the Star Wars Battle-front hasn't been so rosy over the last couple of weeks. First, DICE announced that they'd be ceasing updates for the game with the release of the Scarif update - some have speculated involuntarily - and now it's transpired that Battlefront 3 (if it even comes at all), may not arrive until 2025 at the earliest, with EA's Star Wars deal up for renewal in 2023.


Be that as it may, attention has already shifted to the possible third entry in EA's rebooted Battlefront series. DICE were able to mount one of the all time greatest gaming comebacks with Battlefront 2, fostering a dedicated community that is now tangibly upset at the prospect of waiting however many years until the third game releases.

There will be other Star Wars offerings to come within that time - the rumoured Project Maverick flight sim from EA Motive, as well as a sequel to last year's Jedi: Fallen Order from Respawn - but the lost potential of Battlefront 2 will weigh on fans' minds.


There was still so much yet to come, but look on the bright side; if DICE DO get the chance to make a third Battlefront, they'll have the full power of next-gen systems behind them, as well as a long list of lessons learned and fan demands that should inform what could hopefully be an all time Star Wars great. Here are but a few suggestions to make it a reality...