Star Wars Battlefront: 8 Perfect Ways To Tie Into Episode VII

If you believe the rumours they've been linked since the start.

By Ewan Paterson /

Star Wars fans certainly have a lot to look forward to this year; not only is the much-anticipated Episode VII coming to theatres in December, but game-wise the long-awaited Battlefront reboot is too, and already there's much speculation as to how the two releases may intersect. Recent rumours seemed to suggest that Battlefront's storyline will directly influence - and even overlap with - the events of The Force Awakens, but just how they will connect is still a mystery. With the entirety of the Star Wars franchise now open to be explored by the developers at DICE, countless opportunities are presented to intertwine the game with JJ. Abrams' first foray into a galaxy far, far away. Pandemic's Battlefront II had a campaign bolted onto the main experience, and despite being rather rudimentary in scale, it more than delivered - giving players the opportunity of experiencing the rise of the Galactic Empire through the eyes of the Clones that created it. One mission even managed to give an emotional narrative, showing the Clone assault on the Jedi Temple in Coruscant which directly tied-in with the then newly released, Revenge of the Sith. The new Battlefront then, has a lot to live up to. Considering the fact that the expanded universe of old is now dead and buried, the TPS reboot has a lot of ground to traverse to link the gaps between episodes VI and VII. Multiplayer will undoubtedly be the main event, but the campaign could really be worth it if it makes some awesome narrative additions to the Star Wars canon.
