Starfield: 10 Best Side Missions You Must Find

The essential side-quests players need to find in Starfield.

By John Cunningham /

Having conquered the worlds of medieval fantasy and post-apocalyptic action, Bethesda recently moved their brand of rich storytelling undercut by infuriating glitches to the realms of space travel.


After years of anticipation and hype, Starfield finally lit up the gaming world in 2023, sending players into an addictive frenzy for a near-endless number of screentime hours. Sporting a suitably complex main narrative and a litany of factions and potential endings to consider, the game has more than lived up to the heady RPG expectations fans of Bethesda have come to hold.

Just like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, much of Starfield's charm and intrigue actually rests just outside of the main plot. Encouraging deep exploration through its utterly enormous open world, the game has all manner of thrilling side quests to happen across and get hooked on.

Sporting stunning visuals, meticulously crafted celestial environments, and a neat array of intricately detailed planets, the game essentially demands deep exploration from its players. To miss its many, many side plots and discoveries would simply be a disservice to the sci-fi epic's overall entertainment value and potential.

10. Groundpounder

The title of this heavy-hitting Starfield side quest ought to give players an idea of what they're in for. Starting with a random encounter with a freighter leads to an investigation on Altair. There, the Spacefarer is thrust into one of the biggest fights on offer in the whole game.


Upon arriving, players are thrown headfirst into an all-out war with the Spacers, leading to plenty of shoot-em-up mayhem to enjoy. Along with the relentless action, the quest also sports some interesting narrative developments, as it turns out United Colony Marines are on hand defending the area despite it actually being Freestar Collective territory.

Along with providing an interesting look at United Colony Marine culture and chain of command, Groundpounder also gives players a chance to teach a near-endless supply of scummy Spacers a fatal lesson. With the quest quickly turning into a merciless war on the galactic raiders, players need a boatload of ammunition to get the job done.

Overall, while it's not the most narratively complex quest on offer, Groundpounder is a fast-paced, high-intensity affair that gives action-hungry players plenty of bang for their buck.
