The Batman: 10 Moments Inspired By The Arkham Video Games

It dominated the box office and streaming, but how much did it borrow from the Arkham series?

By George Rutherford /

Tim Burton, Joel Schumacher and Christopher Nolan each used their cinematic styles to paint a unique vision of Gotham City. With The Batman, director Matt Reeves pulled inspiration from an unlikely source: video games.


Throughout the lengthy three-hour runtime, several nods are made to the four wildly popular "Arkham" games. Many of the familiar Batman characters and relationships are showcased, with no egregious changes being made to the lore. Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni are still the rulers of Gotham's underworld. Catwoman is still a conflicted woman who struggles with her moral compass. Gotham is still a city in need of a hero.

Some of the film's bigger story points clearly differ from the games, of course. The notion that Martha Wayne was born in Arkham and struggled with mental health issues is a departure from the games, as is Thomas Wayne's troubled run for Gotham City mayor.

An investigative eye will no doubt notice similarities that are a little too close to be chalked up as coincidence. While subtler Easter eggs will likely continue to be found, these ten examples stood out as nods to the uber-playable Arkham series.

10. Catwoman

Selina Kyle is often portrayed as a conflicted soul. She's an emotionally damaged woman who has lost her faith in the system, but not in all people. While Zoe Kravitz's Catwoman also pulls some inspiration from Frank Miller's iconic comic version, she breathes very similar air as her Arkham counterpart.


In Arkham Knight, Riddler and Catwoman are at the center of one of the game's biggest missions. In both the game and the film, Selina Kyle presents as a self-involved burglar who should be able to thrive among the chaos of Gotham. In both cases, we see her decisions gradually lean toward the side of good. This comes as her association with Batman develops.

Both Catwomen are also faced with a choice of skipping town with a bag of loot, or lending aid to a struggling Caped Crusader. Not surprisingly, in both cases she opts for Batman. There is also an air of romance surrounding the characters in both portrayals.

Lastly, both Catwomen use similar combat. They utilize a very acrobatic, strike-centered approach. We even get to see her iconic bullwhip in both cases, albeit only once in the movie.
